

Biologisch bedeutet vor allem, die artgerechte Haltung der Tiere bestmöglich zu gewährleisten, die in Bio-Tierhaltungsbetrieben untergebracht sind, mit Bio-Futter gefüttert werden und ein Mindestschlachtalter – im Falle von Hühnern – von 81 Tagen haben (mit Ausnahme des vom Ministerium anerkannten langsam wachsenden Typs), von denen mindestens ein Drittel im Freien verbracht werden müssen.

Organic farming is often associated only with animal welfare. However, there is another fundamental aspect that we pursue as a priority, alongside animal welfare: the systemic impact of this type of farm on the land and the environment.

In fact, first and foremost, organic farming means selecting farming production free from pesticides and chemical fertilizers for organic feeds and respecting and restoring the biodiversity of the land, also through the regenerative-agriculture approach promoted by Arca Benefit, which we are founders and key supporters of.

In fact, when we feed organic poultry, we also feed the land..

It also means understanding and monitoring the land, right from the sowing phase, where cereals and vegetables are grown that feed not only our animals but also the land itself, and therefore supporting the virtuous choices of hundreds of Italian farmers, who, thanks to our supply chain, are able to farm tens of thousands of hectares of organic farmland.

Organic poultry is farmed free-range, divided into groups. Each of these can have a maximum of 4,800 birds. Each farm is often made up of multiple sheltered structures, and — depending on health regulations — in the same farm different groups of poultry may have different ages and requirements, and therefore different capture periods. Shelters are equipped with doors for birds of sufficient dimensions to allow them easy access to outdoor areas on organic land.

To enable easier outdoor access during the initial stages of life and in the event of unfavourable weather conditions, partially-outdoor areas have been created for birds to access adjacent organic land. In this case, to avoid mixing of groups, mobile fences are installed.

The goal of the Fileni Group is to continue increasing organic production, also through the conversion of conventional farms.

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